Self-hating blacks now have a way out of the skin they despise.
With the help of a confused, dim-witted Jezebel, Dencia, a Nigerian pop singer, black people throughout the Diaspora can now erase the pigmentation they were born with and become more acceptable to their white supremacist “masters” by altering their appearance to look like the very people who hate them.
Skin bleaching is a rapidly growing pandemic among dark-skinned people of the world, particularly in many parts of Africa where darker hues are viewed as a curse. Unscrupulous opportunists like Dencia are making a killing off a skin-bleaching cream that’s packaged and marketed to confused consumers as a “luxury dark spot remover.”
Sad. Pathetic. Not only are many of our people afflicted with the debilitating, destructive disease of morbid self-loathing, but they now have more avenues by which to express the repulsion of their skin, their culture and their own identity. Even disgraced baseball star Sammy Sosa, who raked in stacks upon stacks of Benjamins during his Major League career and could have any woman he wanted, bleached his skin out of this same self-hatred. He’s the kind of people this product is marketed to.
Thankfully, I’m not alone in being repulsed by this rising trend. Take a look at some of the shocked social media users who renounced Dencia’s promotion of “Whitenicious,” followed by some of her retorts to her angry critics.
When Martin Luther King, Jr. said, “I have a dream…” The dream was not to become white… #whitenicious #Racism #Colourism #Eurocentrism
— A Soldier of the Art (@SelinaMarius1) January 18, 2014
Aren’t albinos humans? RT @VicOses01: She jst turned herself 2 an albino, all in d name of #whitenicious…*smh.. @IamDencia”
— Dencia (@IamDencia) January 21, 2014
@SelinaMarius1 hmm… Ya know, I hear my mother’s voice on this one, “If #Whitenicious jumped off the bridge, would you?” My ans: HELL NAW!
— Jasmine Burnett (@Blkfeminst) January 19, 2014
@IamDencia this #whitenicious cream of yours is an abomination and creating more insecurities among women all over the world.
— SOFIRE (@SofiJamz_) January 16, 2014
I can’t see #Whitenicious bleached black folks in America, naw…Sammy Sosa is enough. via @giphy
— Tammi LaTela (@TLaTela) January 14, 2014
Why are you so angry they ask. #SelfHatred #Whitenicious #Dencia
— travis bryant (@travlord) January 14, 2014