With all the problems facing his state and the country, Minnesota State Rep. Pat Garofalo took time out of his busy day to needlessly and unthinkably take a racist swipe at the NBA’s player personnel.
And Twitter took a few swipes back at his scalp.
Garofalo inexcusably ranted on Twitter on Monday with a statement that read: “Let’s be honest, 70 percent of teams in NBA could fold tomorrow + nobody would notice a difference with possible exception of increase in streetcrime.”
Fox Sports illuminated the fact that this is not the first time the Republican has committed social media transgressions. In a prior instance, Garofalo mused “How about a New ESPN channel that covers all sports except the NBA. Joke players. Joke teams. Joke league” in April 2013 and then said this prior to that: “NBA Draft? Ask me if I care.”
Garofalo attempted to rationalize his indefensible tweets by pointing out NBA’s infatuation with weed, telling the Minneapolis Star Tribune, he was ”talking about NBA’s high arrest rate and that they are the only major pro league that testing positive for marijuana is not a substance abuse violation.”
Well, Twitter was not going to let this go, and it was mostly non-black Twitter users who roasted Garofalo, rightfully pointing out that there is a much higher concentration of criminality in politics than there ever has been in the National Basketball Association.
Take a look at what they had to say: