Woman congratulates cheating husband with newspaper ad

newspaper adA woman in Texas put her cheating husband on full furnace blast by taking out an ad to congratulate him on his extramarital affair with his girlfriend.

The ad that she placed in a Texas newspaper, which has since gone viral around the country, states: “I would like to say congratulations to Shara Cormier and Patrick Brown … They are expecting a baby. Hope you both are really in love and I hope it works out.” Signed by Patrick’s wife, Timeshia Brown.

newsaper advA photo of the ad is being credited to Reddit, but is making its way around media outlets.

The Christian Post calls it classic “passive aggressive.” The Examiner labeled the cunning move as a “cutting takedown.” And, The Metro loved it, calling it “classy,” and said it got the “job done.”

No one seems to have tracked down Timeshia Brown yet, but according to the Dallas Morning News, the ad was posted in a Texas newspaper.

The moral of the story is this: maybe next time he’ll think before he creates love babies.

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