Elliot Rodger, a 22-year-old rich kid from Hollywood who had it all decided to take more. Rodger, by all accounts is responsible for a mass killing spree this past Friday that has taken the lives of seven innocent people. By his own twisted reasoning, he blames it all on being a virgin. The reason this is known is because he admitted as much in a YouTube video the day before the killings. In his chilling video, Rodger stated he was going to go to the campus of University of California in Santa Barbara and “I’m going to enter the hottest sorority house of UCSB and I will slaughter every single spoiled, stuck-up, blonde slut that I see inside there … All those girls that I’ve desired so much, they would have all rejected me and looked down on me as an inferior man if I ever made a sexual advance towards them. I’ll take great pleasure in slaughtering all of you. You will finally see that I am, in truth, the superior one. The true alpha male.”
Rodger started his killing spree by stabbing three men to death in his apartment building. He then got into his black BMW and began driving through the streets of Santa Barbara. Like a scene out of the video game series “Grand Theft Auto,” Rodger fired shots from his car in multiple drive-by shootings and plowed through pedestrians wounding at least 13 people and killing seven.
Rodger eventually was chased by police and crashed his car. Upon exiting his car, he then engaged in a gun battle with police. Rodger received a gunshot wound to the head, killing him, but it has not been determined if it was self-inflicted. Rodger is the son of The Hunger Games assistant director Peter Rodger.