Chicago artist Dra’ Day releases new song in wake of rampant violence


It’s no secret that Chicago seems to be having a problem with guns and violence these days. What the city has lacked, among other things, is the socially conscious music to address the issues that precipitate the violence. Enter GMG Music Entertainment artist Dra’ Day. The veteran of Chicago’s music scene just released a new song, “Less Hurt, More Love” to help bring more attention to the situation.

Dra’ tells ro that we need to be focused on more than just turning up and partying:

I love Chicago, but there is so much hurt and pain going on in these city streets. Kids killing kids because they have no positive guidance is how I see it. Everyone wants to overlook this issue and just turn up and party. Now don’t get me wrong I love to turn up and party too but how can we turn up and have a good peaceful time together if every time we walk out our front door we don’t know if a stray bullet is gonna hit us or the children? I see so much negativity being glorified as if its right… That’s why in the song I say ‘and since when is it right to bully, call names and start fights?’ Everyone is acting like this doesn’t exist but its not just happening here but all over the world, and that’s why I feel we need “Less Hurt More Love”

Check out Dra’ Day’s single “Less Hurt, More Love” on his Soundcloud page.

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