Kendrick Lamar surprises fans; releases album a week early


In this day and age, music fans should know that album release dates given by record labels are now just a mere suggestion.

With social media usually being the place that artists hint to their fans that they have new projects dropping, you would think everyone would know by now to stay glued to the timeline of your favorite artist.

Keeping in the tradition of marquee artists (Beyoncé, D’Angelo, Drake) surprising fans by releasing new albums when they least expect it, Kendrick Lamar used Twitter late Sunday night to send a few cryptic tweets before finally sharing the link to download his new album, To Pimp a Butterfly.


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As happy as fans were to see the highly anticipated album available a week ahead of its scheduled release date, there was at least one person who appeared not too pleased with the early release.

Soon after the album went live, Top Dawg Entertainment head honco Anthony Tiffith expressed his dismay on Twitter.

“I would like 2 personally thank @Interscope for f—– up our release … Somebody gots 2 pay 4 this mistake !!! This is the kraziest s— ever. I will deal with BS later … let’s focus on the album.”

To Pimp a Butterfly is currently available on iTunes and Spotify with the physical CD still expected to hit stores on March 23.

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