Martin Lewis, who retired from the San Antonio Police Department in 2014 after 32 years, is one of the alleged members of the biker gang in involved in the bloody shootout in Waco, Texas, on Sunday, May 17, 2015, where nine were killed and 18 were injured. Lewis is one of the 170 people arrested at Twin Peaks restaurant and faces a sentence of five years to life in prison, depending on his involvement, it could be upgraded to murder, a capital offense, and in Texas, the death penalty.
This is a million dollar case and a win-win for no one, not even McLennan County. The Waco, Texas, shooting case could be overwhelming for the prosecuting team of 12.
Bond was set at $1 million each for the suspects who were charged with engaging in organized crime. The cost of prosecuting a death penalty case can reach as high as possibly $1 million, which could bankrupt McLennan County.
Rivals since the early ’70s, Cossacks and Bandidos club leaders reportedly issued orders to shoot and kill uniformed law enforcement officers. Other clubs reportedly present during the shootout over a “parking space” were Scimitars, Leathernecks and Los Pirados.