The contour craze of 2014 may be coming to a close, but there are still devoted fans (celebs included) rocking the trend. Popularized by the likes of Kim Kardashian, her sisters Kylie Jenner, Khloe Kardashian and pop star Demi Lovato, to name a few, this look is heavy but ultra glam. And while wearing heavy cream, liners and lippies doesn’t sound very practical during some of the year’s most scorching months, that hasn’t dissuaded makeup lovers from spending hours a day trying to achieve the insta-glam look.
Why Photoshop when you can create the illusion of striking cheekbones and super-fresh skin … right? Well, if you’re aiming for a beautifully beat and symmetrical face and don’t want to throw down on lip plumpers, Botox or facial cosmetic surgery, the contour method may be your best bet. After all, if it’s good enough for stars like Nicki Minaj and Jennifer Lopez, it’s worth a try.
In need of a little inspiration? Check out 10 celebrities who love contouring below. Love or hate the trend? Sound off in the comment section below.