This week, news broke that Halle Berry has decided to call it quits with her husband, Olivier Martinez, after just two years of marriage. However, even though the news of the divorce is out, no one seemed to be able to find the divorce petition Berry filed. Well, now it’s been revealed that Berry filed the petition under a pseudonym and Olivier wasn’t too happy about that.
According to TMZ, Berry filed a divorce petition on Monday under the name Hal Maria. Maria is Berry’s actual middle name and Hal is, of course, short for Halle. Berry used the name Oliver Martin for Martinez.
Berry’s lawyer, Steven Kolodny, also filed Berry and Martinez’s two-year-old son, Maceo, under the pseudonym Mac Martin.
And just why did Berry file the petition with pseudonyms? Well, because she reportedly wanted to protect her family’s privacy.
However, Berry’s plan may have backfired because sources say it’s unclear whether it’s legal for Berry to file a divorce petition with pseudonyms and a judge will have to decide.
Berry also reportedly made a mistake by not properly serving the petition. The sources claim Berry simply handed Martinez the documents. Under California law, a party to an action cannot serve the other party.
Well, Martinez didn’t seem to be too happy or satisfied with the way things went down and he took action of his own. Find out what he did, after the cut.