Kiwi The Beauty discusses blogging and being fabulous at Family Dollar event

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Photo credit: Steed Media Service

Kiwi The Beauty is a blogger, magazine writer, social media-lite and media correspondent who blogs about beauty reviews, event recaps, entertainment and one of her favorites, natural hair. Rolling out had the pleasure of sitting down with Kiwi at the third annual Family Dollar Fabulous event in Atlanta where she had much to say about who she is, what she does, and what fabulous means to her.

Tell our readers who you are and where they can find you.

I am at and I am a life style blogger. So, Kiwi The Beauty is not just a beauty blog, it is a lifestyle blog. Lifestyle means that it’s anything that I’m interested in, so whether it’s beauty, whether it’s entertainment, whether it’s fashion, or I’m doing a lot more traveling, but basically it’s me evolving myself and it’s always been my voice. So, whatever I’m doing, whatever I feel like I’m interested in that’s what I blog about. And then I try to amplify that through my blog posts and my experiences. So, that’s really what my blog is about.

So, what is fabulous to you?

Fabulous is an energy. Just positivity. I’ve never seen fabulous look negative. It was somebody’s point of view. It was supposed to be a positive energy. So, being fabulous is an energy, how you feel about yourself and your confidence. Or, maybe not how you feel about yourself, how people perceive you as well. So, something can be fabulous that you saw in somebody else, and that’s overall energy. So, fabulous is an energy.

What do you bring to your daily life that you would say is fabulous?

My energy. Yes, me, me. I’m fabulous. My energy. But, just like what I said. I guess to piggy back off what I just said is just being positive. Fabulous, and me being fabulous should be something positive. Anybody who’s fabulous, it should be positive. It’s too much going on in this world to for you to just walk around with a chip on your shoulder. I mean, we’re all going through something but just to bring some positivity in your life is what makes anybody be fabulous.

So, with this Family Dollar event what would you say has been pretty much kind of the highlight? And what have you gotten out of it?

The highlight is, you know this event, in Atlanta. I’ve been to so many events. You know, an event is an event. And this is not just an event. This is  a real experience. And for you to actually talk to the brands, and the brands are talking to you — not just to say hey, let’s work together on a project, but I want to hear your voice, I want to see your personality, I want to connect with you. So, what I’m getting from this is a connection, a human connection between a consumer, which can be me, which could be my readers, and the brand — the brand who’s trying to reach the people, like me and my readers. So, it’s like putting the two together, and putting human … because sometimes it’s like OK, what can I get from you? What can you give me? Whether it’s money, whether it’s a product, but where’s the human connection? I feel like I’m getting [that] with every brand I’ve talked to today, I’m getting a human connection. So, that’s what I’m getting from it. And that’s what I’m loving about this Family Dollar Fabulous event, actually. So, that’s what I’m getting out of it.

Any brand in particular that you use? Or are now going to start using from what you’ve seen here today?

I haven’t [gone] to every booth yet. There’s a lot of brands I’ve already worked with and there are some new ones. I mean, there’s just so many. One I will say that I did enjoy a lot was the Goody brand. Because, I mean, look at this hair. And we actually talked about something. I’m not going to go into too much detail, but I mean in just having our conversation it was like OMG, that’s a great idea. Because now she’s realizing with my curly hair like that could be — pretty much we talked about maybe a solution to a problem. Or something that they don’t have already on the market. So that was an interesting conversation. And just for me to have that conversation with Goody was like an experience. Not like oh hey, I use your scrunchies — Like hey Why don’t you have this as part of your line. Or why isn’t this a product line yet? And they were like, “hmmm. That’s a good idea.” So just for them to listen on that from a bloggers perspective and from a brands perspective to a blogger — I loved it. So, Goody’s, thank you for listening to me.

Where can we find you on social media?

Everything is Kiwi The Beauty. There’s, I don’t know, whatever social platform I’m on, it’s KiwiTheBeauty. If you want to find me, it’s Kiwi The Beauty. That’s the brand. That’s it. That’s me.

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