Questions with Black Donald Trump supporters Diamond & Silk

(Image Source Courtesy of Diamond)
(Photo courtesy of Diamond)

Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, better known as Diamond and Silk, have become famous for their outspoken support for Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump. Trump has a commanding lead in the polls despite his controversial remarks and stances. Many Black voters have been turned off by the Trump’s bigoted rhetoric, but not Diamond and Silk.

Rolling out was fortunate enough to do a 20 question Q-and-A with the two ladies and here are their collective responses:answered as one.

Have you always been politically active?

Do you call yourselves Republicans? Why or why not?
We now call ourselves Republicans because we switched our party to Republican only to vote for Donald Trump.

When President Obama was running for office did you support his run? Why or why not?
We did what we were taught to do, that’s to vote Democrat.

What three things made you support Trump?
He wants to secure our borders to keep America and the American people safe. He wants to bring back our good jobs where people are thriving again and he wants to make America greater and stronger where our country is reverenced again.

Have you received death threats or hate mail because of your support? What was the worst case and how did you handle it?
We handle hate with love because we know people only attack what they fear.

How do you think you are viewed in Black America, especially in social media like #Black Twitter? Have these comments been fair or hurtful in your opinion?
Our support comes from people of all races in the United States and around the world. Although we know that some people may have a difference of opinion, we know that the more some spew hate the more we have to educate.

Donald Trump’s latest statement about Muslims has caused a lot of controversy. Do you support his stance that Muslims should be barred from coming to America? Why?
We support Donald J. Trump wanting to keep all Americans safe.

How do you define a bigot and why is Donald Trump not a bigot?
Donald Trump is a man that loves America and loves the American people. He is the only candidate that’s concerned about all Americans, their safety and them succeeding. wants to do it without being paid, that speaks volumes. He is the only candidate that can’t be bought!

Your critics have called you ignorant and not serious in your support of Trump. How do you answer these critics?
Ignorance is continuing to vote for a Democratic system that promises you hope and change just to get your votes, only to realize that the same system is designed to give you more of the same; poverty, impoverished neighborhoods, no jobs and no hope. To our critics, we’ve been true Trump supporters since he announced he was running for president and we are going to continue to support him all the way to the White House.

Have you received financial support from the Trump campaign or GOP national Super-Pac’s for our continued support for Trump and his ideas?

What do you think Donald Trump has done and will do for the African Americans?
Donald Trump will do for African Americans what he will do for all Americans; bring back opportunities where people are able to obtain good jobs, give incentives to people that want to become entrepreneurs, and fix this system where people are coming up financially instead of staying stuck and left in a rut.

Has America become more racist under President Obama?

How will a President Donald Trump make it different?
Donald Trump is already uniting this country. Blacks, Whites, Hispanics, Asians and Latinos all are switching their party to vote for him while engaging in the political process together. Donald Trump is a visionary; he wants to see all Americans thriving and winning again. When all Americans are part of obtaining the American Dream that will bring harmony and unity.

What are your views on the Black lives matter movement?
A movement should move forward not stay stagnated. You don’t fight change, you make change. We define ourselves as one race and that’s the human race. We believe that All Lives Matter.

Should Rahm Emanuel Resign as Chicago’s mayor in the wake of the Laqaun McDonald murder and other acts of police misconduct under his watch?
He should step down immediately. Anyone in leadership that chooses not to put the need of the people first because of their own greed or look the other way when it comes to injustices should not be leading anything.

Why don’t you support Hillary Clinton or Bernie Sanders?
Hillary Clinton has too many donors and special interest groups paying millions of dollars into her campaign. She’s the puppet and they’re the puppet master, they will push their own agenda while the American people, particularly African Americans get left behind, still living in poverty, living with substantial student debt and can’t find jobs. Bernie Sanders is a socialist and doesn’t have the stamina to be president.

We no longer choose to vote based on gender, race or political party. We are voting based on who can best do the job and he just so happens to be a Republican. We like that Donald Trump doesn’t bring politics, but a common sense approach on securing our borders, keeping us safe and bringing back jobs where people can provide for their family. Switching your party is very easy to do. to vote for Donald Trump in the primaries!

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