J. Cole’s Dreamville team and HBO were recently in Chicago screening his latest documentary “J. Cole Forest Hills Drive: Homecoming” at Logan Theater in Chicago, the fifth and final episode in Cole’s “Homecoming” series. The documentary is a combination of J. Cole’s historic performance in hometown Fayetteville, North Carolina and an account of his life growing up in his community. Cole’s most recent release, “2014 Forest Hills Drive,” is his most successful to date and a continuation of the latest installment. Cole represents the ‘rappers rapper’, his humble beginnings having a role in his accent to stardom. If Kendrick is king, J. Cole is definitely president. He is the darling of his hometown and, as the camera travels through the community, you can’t help but note the level of respect he receives from all demographics.
The story of J. Cole’s community could very well represent many urban and small town cities across the United States. The youth are disenfranchised and hungry. Violence is at an all time high, they feel like that have no outlets and are void of hope. Cole represents what is possible. He is an example of why the hip hop genre will always be a strong and influential culture.
The Chicago audience gathered at Logan Square to view the documentary. At times it was as if Cole was in the building performing a live show as audience members rapped along with his words shaking the rafters. At the end of the screening a few members from Coles Dreamville team stuck around and answered questions. Swag bags filled with music and fresh journals were handed out. Who knows, one of those journals could possibly launch the next wave of positive inspiration.

“J. Cole Forest Hills Drive: Homecoming,” premiers January 9th on HBO East at 9pm.