With social media being such a huge platform for new-age talent to display creativity, rolling out had the opportunity to also recognize varies comedians that are making a name for themselves and changing the game. These individuals apart from DC Young Fly and Emmanuel Hudson have also began to pave their own way to success and contribute to the change that social media brings to the comedian world.

What made you turn to IG to display your talents?
Actually, a good friend of mine name Jean Robert, aka “Splack,” introduced me to this social media movement. I moved to L.A. to only be a professional dancer. But he convinced me that social media was the new wave to help me get my content seen.
Do you believe that the social media comedians can stand a chance against the traditional stand-up comedians? Why?
No, I really don’t. I feel like it’s a certain art/skill to be a stand up comedian. They’re out there on that stage with no sound effects or special effects. It’s just them up there on that stage. We (SM comedians) kind of need those effects to help bring the jokes to life.
With social media being your platform, this allows you to be more reachable to your fans, how does it impact your career?
I absolutely love my fans. I read every last one of their messages good or bad. It makes me see I’m truly touching someone’s life out there and becoming the role model I never knew I was.
Prior comedians wrote their shows out, do you follow the same protocol or would you consider your style more improv? How do you come up with some of your concepts?
Man y’all want to know all the secrets But I usually improve when I write down the title to videos or an outline of what I want to happen. I work with some dope friends/ SM comedians that help me bring my vision to life.
With social media being the one of the fastest growing trends for new age comedians, what makes you different from other comedians on social platforms?
I’m in competition with myself. That means pushing myself to become a better actor and a better person. I just want to create my own lane that way when I leave this earth I may have a little kid saying “I wish I was like WoodyTheGreat.”