If you’re like most people, you’re probably looking for simple steps to success, since everyone makes entrepreneurship look so easy.
Judging from Instagram, entrepreneurship looks pretty simple. You come up with a great idea, launch a business and just like that, you’re successful. Every business owner you follow looks like they are living the good life, making tons of money and enjoying freedom. Right?
Looks are deceiving. In order to truly sustain success, you have to be willing to WERK. I like to define WERK as the energy, efforts and resources you put into building your dream (as opposed to the “work” that is time spent building someone else’s dream). Believe it or not, there are countless sleepless nights and broke days that social media and reality tv stars fail to show and there is no such thing as an overnight success.
So, what does it take to start achieving your goals and making your dreams a reality? Here are four simple steps to success:
Write it down and make it plain
Something truly magical happens when you are finally able to articulate your goals. Writing them down makes them real and it allows you to see what needs to be done. Without a solid plan, your goals are just dreams. As Napoleon Hill says in Think & Grow Rich, you must start with a chief definite aim. Start by setting a clear intention.
Equip yourself with the necessary skills
Education is essential no matter what you’re aiming for. In order to truly become who you’re meant to be, it’s important that you seek to develop yourself professionally. Whether you choose to read a new book each month, seek a mentor or make an effort engaging in intellectual conversations; you must always look for opportunities to grow. This also mean staying current with trends and technology.
Remember your “why”
If you get caught up in the day-to-day circumstances, you’ll end up losing focus. As an entrepreneur, it’s important to keep your eyes on the prize and remember why you started. By setting a clear intention, you’re better able to stay in your lane and accomplish what you set out to do.
Keep good people around you
Your network really is your net worth. It’s crucial that you keep your space safe and only allow positive influences in your life. One great way to determine if your peers align with your purpose is to make a list of assets and liabilities. Then, it will be clear who stays and who goes.
You can absolutely achieve everything you desire as long as you’re willing to WERK for it.