The third annual Leadership for Women Summit powered by Comcast was a phenomenal event. Held Oct. 22 at the Hotel St. Regis in Detroit, it was life-altering for every woman in the room. Speakers shared many gems that can help shape a woman’s mind, body and spirit. With almost every seat filled, the women enjoyed great food while giving and receiving encouragement from each other.
Keynote speaker Dr. Joyvina Evans, boldly stated that she is “allergic to average,” challenging attendees to be confident, never compare ourselves to others and to always take care of ourselves first. Following her was a dynamic panel comprised of six powerhouses when it comes to advancing as a woman and living a life that you truly love. The panel included Ashleigh Maynor who is the founder of inTENtional U LLC; Christian-faith development strategist Deneen Troupe-Buitrago; author and mentor Paula Mcdade; CEO of KBS publishing and author Kim Boudreau-Smith; Damien Butler, the founder of the Manifest One Empowerment Group; and last but not least, author and physician Dr. Linell King. They each gave enlightening insight on the benefits of healthier lifestyles, both physically and mentally.
The masterminds behind the Women Summit want ladies to be E.P.I.C. LeadHers; empowered, powerful, intellectual and committed. Lakeisha Dulin, who was there on behalf of Comcast, enthusiastically discussed the decision for Comcast to be a part of this event, saying this was an opportunity that they could not pass up because of the major impact. Her personal advice to women was to find a mentor and a champion (someone in a position to push you forward) and use them both to reach higher heights while always believing in yourself because there is nothing that a woman can’t do, even if you land in a male dominated space.
This entire event was a 10. Each woman left with a goodie bag with strength words printed across them such as fearless, confident, conqueror and humble. When the beautiful, funny, high energy mistress of ceremonies Jewel Estes was asked if she had anything to say to the women who were not able to attend, her response was simply, ”Make it to the next one.”