Sage Steele ridicules Muslim ban protesters because she was inconvenienced

via @sagesteele Instagram

Sage Steele has caused another firestorm. The ESPN anchor took to social media to express the displeasure of being inconvenienced by the protest of President Donald Trump’s Muslim ban.

Steele was at LAX when she decided to share her frustrations over the protests. “So this is why thousands of us dragged luggage nearly two miles to get to LAX, but still missed our flights. Fortunately, a seven-hour wait for the next flight to Houston won’t affect me that much. But my heart sank for the elderly and parents with small children who did their best to walk all that way, but had no chance of making their flights. I love witnessing people exercising their right to protest. But it saddened me to see the joy on their faces knowing that they were successful in disrupting so many people’s travel plans,” she posted under her Instagam photo.

Although Steele may have been sincere, her approach was wrong. While being inconvenienced is never a fun ordeal, the generalization and bigotry against a religion is horrendous and goes against America’s Constitution.

President Trump has basically created a ban on religion under the guise of keeping America safe. However, the citizens who were from the countries on Trump’s ban list have not killed an American in America in over 40 years.

Beyond being upset about missing a flight, Steele should take the time to empathize with the families who will be ripped apart by Trump’s ban. She should also worry about where the nation is headed when it comes to discrimination, hate, and bigotry.

Steely continues to catch flack on social media:

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