Asante Bradford is an important person in entertainment in Atlanta, especially the digital world. We got a chance to sit down for coffee with the project manager for digital entertainment and emerging media for the Georgia Department of Economic Development (GDEcD). Check out how our interview went.
Can you break down what exactly your title means?
I am Asante Bradford, project manager for digital entertainment at the Georgia Department of Economic Development. I am responsible for creating jobs and investment in the digital entertainment field while expanding the digital entertainment footprint in Georgia.
Which is the proper logo that should be used at the end of any digital media content?
It’s the Georgia Peach logo! If a project meets the minimum requirements and [is] approved — they would be given access to the state-owned peach logo to use on their Georgia made project.
You know there are a few companies still not using the logos, right? How much money do you estimate they are losing out on?
The Georgia logo is a fantastic marketing tool for the state. The logo puts a spotlight on the activity that is happening within the state and lets viewers know that it was made in Georgia. It is hard for us to provide an estimate in terms of losing. Qualifying productions receive a 20 percent tax credit, plus an additional 10 percent credit for embedding a Georgia promotional logo in your film title or credits.
Do you think there are any digital media companies that we should expect to see make a comeback?
Most people would be surprised to know that we are seeing a re-emergence of companies in the eSports arena here in Georgia. eSports is growing in the U.S. again, and some of the mature companies are making a strong comeback.
How is the expansion of digital content affecting the market and job situation in Georgia?
We are seeing explosive growth in Georgia’s creative economy. GDEcD recently announced that our creative industries generated a record $62.5 billion in economic impact in 2015. The creative industries in Georgia represent a combined $37 billion in revenue and employ an estimated 200,000 Georgians statewide, making up 5 percent of employment in the state.
How closely does your operation work with Mayor Kasim Reed’s office?
Our economic development successes are based on strong partnerships throughout the state, which often include the Atlanta mayor’s office and Invest Atlanta. But we also have an incredible network of local economic development partners all over the state. Creating jobs and investment in Georgia takes a team effort on several different levels.
Is there anything that you would like aspiring filmmakers and digital content providers to know that will improve their profit margin?
Yes, my piece of advice would be to continue to educate yourself on the digital entertainment industry and study the analytics of your product to determine what demographic is watching or consuming your content to show advertisers and sponsors why you are the best to work with. GDEcD offers an array of resources to for entrepreneurs and those looking to have a career in the creative industry. For more information, please visit our website at www.georgia.org.