It was the advent of diversity and the need for inclusion that led to many of the modifications that are occurring in Silicon Valley.
Twitter itself needed a few new faces and has elected former vice president of global inclusion and diversity at Motorola, Candi Castleberry-Singleton. She’s replacing Jeffrey Siminoff, who stepped down in February.
These new Silicon Valley diversity inclusion officers and leaders now have a unique opportunity to introduce their organizations and communities to great businesses that are Black-owned.
Bozoma Saint John, who served as former head of global consumer marketing for iTunes and Apple Music has resigned from Apple and recently joined Uber as the company’s new chief brand officer. Uber has been under fire for months for its management practices and company culture. Saint John hopes to restore Uber’s tarnished reputation.
The Black women selected have a pedigree that is often not found in corporate America unless they’re looking for it. Although, these female CEOs that make up the heads of many organizations have the power to actually constitute a much-needed shift in diversity.
In addition, we are able to see the level of Black-owned businesses who are teaching partnerships, which should be a primary goal. It is imperative that the leadership continue to highlight case studies on how Black organizations in the area of tech or media can develop strategic partnerships they can learn from in the near future.
The success of these organizations should also showcase the ability to invest in African American-owned companies and their technological advancements so that these companies can not only leverage themselves but also find scalable acquisitions based on the support of their strategic partners like Uber and Twitter.