Melania Trump is an intriguing political figure, to say the least. First, she steals portions of Michelle Obama’s speech during the Republican National Convention in 2016, and now she is following the former first lady’s husband on social media. (And, oh yes, we also notice how many times she has slapped away her husband Donald Trump’s hand during televised political events — and how rarely she is seen in public with the 45th president).
But this latest revelation has got to get under The Donald’s skin. Trump despises former President Barack Obama so much that he probably curses the very air Obama breathes and hates the ground that he walks on. So it cannot be very pleasing to The Donald at all to see that one of the five people that his wife, Melania Trump, follows on Twitter is her husband’s predecessor and perceived archenemy.
First lady Melania Trump could be trolling her husband. Obviously, one of those Twitter accounts that Melania Trump follows is that of her husband’s. And the first lady also follows Vice President Pence and his wife Karen Pence.
But the fifth person is none other than Barack Obama.
That has got to turn Trump’s skin a brighter tone of orange. After all, Trump was catapulted to political prominence riding the birther movement and claiming that Obama was born in another country.
Trump has taken every opportunity to try to obliterate Obama’s legacy by replacing Obama’s policies and legislative enactments with new ones, whether they make sense or not. Trump also blames anything that goes wrong in his own presidency on the 44th president of the United States
Back in 2011, Melania Trump seemed to be on board with the odious and intellectually dishonest birther movement, a move by her demagogue husband to purposely incite racial animus, by appearing on the “Joy Behar Show” and parroting her husband’s racially-tinged statements about Obama’s original birthplace.
“It’s not only Donald who wants to see it (Obama’s birth certificate),” it’s the American people who voted for him and who didn’t vote for him,” Melania Trump said at the time. “They want to see that.”