White House apologizes for lying about African American job growth

White House apologizes for lying about African American job growth
Former first couple Michelle and Barack Obama. Photo source: Instagram-@barackobama

The White House was caught in a lie so blatant and so easily exposed that they were forced to issue an apology to the American people, something that never happens under this administration.

That is quite a development if you keep in mind that the New York Times reports that the Trump administration has lied over 4K times since taking over the Oval Office in January 2017.

The latest lie has to do with African American job growth under No. 45’s watch.

White Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders lied to the American people when she said: “This president, since he took office, created 700,000 new jobs for African-Americans. After eight years of President Obama in office, he only created 195,000 jobs for African-Americans. President Trump in his first year-and-a-half has already tripled what President Obama did in eight years.”

The press conference where Sanders made the statement is seen below:

The Bureau of Labor Statistics, an agency within the Department of Labor, proves Sanders’ statement was wildly inaccurate on two fronts. First, Obama did not add just a measly 100K jobs. It was closer to 3M jobs for the Black community, and that’s quite the accomplishment considering Obama was given a horrid economy from President Bush that is known as “The Great Recession.”

White House apologizes for lying about African American job growth

Bloomberg.com puts the numbers into better perspective. The financial publication states that while Trump added 700K jobs in the Black community, “Trump inherited an economy on the upswing, and the rate of job growth has not changed significantly during his administration.”

Translation: Obama is more responsible for any upswing in the number of jobs produced for Blacks since Trump took office than Trump ever was.

After Sanders was easily exposed for making false statements on live television, she was forced to channel her inner Michael Jackson as she “Moonwalked” back her initial claims:

“Correction from today’s briefing: Jobs numbers for Pres Trump and Pres Obama were correct, but the time frame for Pres Obama wasn’t. I’m sorry for the mistake, but no apologies for the 700,000 jobs for African Americans created under President Trump.”

White House apologizes for lying about African American job growth

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