Ever the innovators, Kendrick Lamar and filmmaker Dave Free have paired their company, pgLang, with a tech company called Light, to create a limited edition smart phone reportedly designed “for humans.”
According to Billboard, the new phone, “Light Phone II,” is a minimalist phone that operates without a web browser or color interface and is designed to be a simpler type smartphone that serves as an alternate to the standard technology-packed cellphone.
“We build all of the tools from scratch to ensure there are absolutely no third party apps tracking you,” says the company’s official website. “In this time of ‘Surveillance Capitalism’ and the ‘Attention Economy,’ the Light Phone represents a different option. You are the customer, not the product. This is a phone for humans.”
Since launching its website in 2020, pgLang (short for “programming language”), has described itself as “an at service” company for creatives spanning various artistic outlets.
“Lamar and Free’s new purpose at pgLang embodies something deeply personal to them,” says the company’s mission statement. “PgLang is at service to creators and projects that selflessly speak with, and for, the shared experiences that connect us all … In this overstimulated time, we are focused on cultivating raw expression from grassroots partnerships.”
Previously, pgLang has collaborated with companies such as Calvin Klein and Cash App.
Watch the clip for the “Light Phone II” below.