Rolling Out

Snoop Dogg steals the show with his commentary at the US Olympic Trials

Caleb Dixon and Snoop Dogg
Caleb Dixon and Snoop Dogg (Photo credit: Jonell Whitt for rolling out)

Known for his iconic tracks and unique persona, Snoop Dogg recently took the internet by storm with his unexpected appearance at the U.S. Olympic Trials. Not just a spectator, Snoop turned commentator, bringing his distinctive flair to the Track & Field events at Hayward Field in Oregon.

Unforgettable commentary

During the trials, Snoop Dogg didn’t hold back, delivering commentary that had the audience both amused and engaged. His remarks as athletes leaped over hurdles and sprinted on the track were both humorous and highlighted his genuine enthusiasm for the sport. “Uh, in the water, get up outta there! Oh, they coming behind him seven, eight deep like horses. I love it,” he exclaimed, making the crowd erupt in laughter.

Snoop on the field

But Snoop wasn’t there just to talk; he also showcased his athletic skills. Participating in the 200m dash, he demonstrated that his talents go beyond music and entertainment. This rare display of athleticism added an extra layer of excitement to the event, proving Snoop’s versatility and ability to entertain and inspire in various arenas.

Booked for more

His stellar performance at the trials has already secured him a spot as a commentator for the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics. With 329 medal events on the horizon, fans can expect more entertaining and insightful commentary from the rap legend.

Social media buzz

The internet has been abuzz since clips of Snoop’s commentary surfaced online. Fans praised his ability to turn any event into a must-watch spectacle. Comments ranged from admiration of his different perspective on the sport to excitement about his limitless side gigs. Indeed, Snoop Dogg continues to surprise and delight fans with his dynamic career moves.


From music to sports, Snoop Dogg remains a multifaceted icon who brings joy and entertainment wherever he goes. As the Paris Olympics approach, all eyes will be on Snoop, anticipating more unforgettable moments that only he can deliver.

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