5 major red flags that scream ‘self-centered guy’ during heart-to-hearts

Honey, it’s time to spot those me-me-me vibes!
Photo credit: Shutterstock.com / fizkes

Let’s get real, girl. We’ve all been there – pouring our hearts out only to feel like we’re talking to a brick wall. If you’re constantly feeling unheard or brushed off, you might be dealing with a self-centered guy. Don’t worry, we’ve got your back! Here are five dead giveaways that’ll help you spot Mr. Self-Absorbed during those emotional convos. Trust us, recognizing these signs early could save you from a whole lot of heartache!

1. He’s a total spotlight stealer

Picture this: You’re venting about your crazy day at work, and suddenly he’s going on about how his day was so much worse. Ugh, classic move of a self-centered guy! He’s like that friend who always one-ups your stories, but worse – because this is supposed to be your bae.

The me-me-me monster

This guy has a PhD in making everything about him. You could be talking about anything from a bad hair day to winning the lottery, and somehow, he’ll find a way to shift the focus back to himself. It’s like he’s allergic to letting you have your moment!

Pro tip: Next time you’re sharing something important, watch how he reacts. Does he actually listen, or is he just waiting for his turn to speak? If he’s constantly redirecting the convo to himself, Houston, we have a problem!

2. His listening skills are basically non-existent

Active listening? More like active ignoring! A self-centered guy often has the attention span of a goldfish when it comes to your feelings. He might nod along or throw in a “yeah” here and there, but ask him to repeat what you just said, and watch him fumble!

The selective hearing expert

This guy’s responses are about as deep as a puddle. “You’ll be fine” or “It’s not a big deal” are his go-to phrases when you’re pouring your heart out. It’s like he’s got a limited emotional vocabulary, and most of it is reserved for himself.

Pro tip: Try this sneaky test – casually bring up something you told him earlier in the conversation. If he looks at you like you’re speaking Klingon, you’ve got yourself a non-listener!

3. Empathy? Sorry, he can’t relate

Empathy is like emotional oxygen – we all need it to thrive in a relationship. But for Mr. Self-Centered, it’s more like a foreign concept. When you’re going through a tough time, his comfort skills are about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

The stone-cold fox (and not in a good way)

Instead of offering a shoulder to cry on, this guy might give you unsolicited advice or, worse, act annoyed that you’re not your usual chipper self. It’s like he missed the “How to Be a Supportive Partner 101” class.

Pro tip: Pay attention to how he reacts when you’re feeling down. Does he try to understand and comfort you, or does he seem more bothered by your mood than concerned about your well-being? A caring partner will at least try to empathize, even if they don’t fully get it.

4. He’s the king of deflection during arguments

Healthy couples fight fair, but a self-centered guy? He fights to win, hun. When conflicts arise, he’s quicker to point fingers than a toddler playing “Who stole the cookie?”

The blame game champion

Accountability? Never heard of her. This guy could teach a masterclass in deflection. If you bring up something he did that hurt you, he’ll flip it faster than a pancake, making you feel like you’re the problem for even mentioning it.

Pro tip: Listen closely to his apologies. Are they genuine “I’m sorry” moments, or more like “I’m sorry you feel that way” cop-outs? A real apology doesn’t come with a side of excuses or blame.

5. He’s thirstier for compliments than your Instagram posts are for likes

We all love a little praise now and then, but this guy? He needs validation like plants need water. He’s constantly fishing for compliments but rarely throws any your way. It’s like living with a praise vacuum – sucking up all the good vibes and leaving none for you.

The ego feeder

Your relationship starts feeling like a non-stop cheering squad – for him. You’re expected to celebrate his every little achievement (OMG, he did the dishes!), but when it comes to your wins? Crickets. It’s exhausting, and let’s be real, totally unfair.

Pro tip: Healthy relationships are a two-way street of support and celebration. If you feel like you’re always on the giving end of praise with nothing coming back your way, it might be time for a serious chat about balance.

Time for a reality check, babe

Spotting these signs is the first step to taking control of your emotional well-being. If your guy is ticking these boxes, it’s time for a heart-to-heart about your needs. Remember, you deserve someone who’s as interested in your thoughts and feelings as they are in their own.

Don’t be afraid to set boundaries and speak up about feeling unheard or undervalued. A guy worth keeping will listen and make an effort to change. If he doesn’t? Well, there are plenty of fish in the sea who know how to use their ears and hearts!

Pro tip: Communication is key, girl! Try opening up a dialogue about these issues. A guy who’s willing to grow will listen, reflect, and work on being more present and supportive. If he dismisses your concerns? That’s your cue to consider if this relationship is really serving you.

Your feelings matter, period

At the end of the day, a relationship should lift you up, not drain you dry. Being able to spot self-centered behavior is crucial for your emotional health. You deserve a partner who not only hears you but truly listens and cares.

If these signs are hitting a little too close to home, it might be time to step back and evaluate. Remember, it’s OK to put yourself first, especially if your partner won’t. Your emotional well-being is non-negotiable, and the right person will not only understand that but champion it.

So, chin up, babe. Whether you decide to work things out or move on to someone who appreciates your awesomeness, know that you’re taking steps towards the love and respect you deserve. You’ve got this!

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