
The Fashion Show

Network: Bravo The Bravo Network continues to dominate the fashion reality landscape with their latest contest, “The Fashion Show.” Starring Kelly Rowland and Isaac Mizrahi,

Hip-Hop Gadget Junkies Square Off:

Once again, Apple has unleashed the latest iPhone on the populace. The brand spanking new iPhone 3GS is designed to compete with the acclaimed Palm

The Best and Worst Of Reality TV

America’s Next Top Model Premise: There’s no knocking the impressive empire built by model turned media mogul Tyra Banks. The ANTM brand continues to expand

love essentials

 Real diamond dust has been infused into this award-winning parfum, creating a luminous effect on the skin. Agent Provocateur Diamond Dust fragrance ($90.00) this elixir

Valentine’s Love Potions

Short of voodoo, if you could mix a potion that would make your love swell with passion and your body blaze like firewater, wouldn’t you

Executive Books

Trayce Madre – The Natural Outliers: The Story of Success by Malcolm Gladwell “It is not the brightest who succeed, nor is success simply the

Hotel Hopping in L.A.

Los Angeles has a ton of great hotels to stay in if you happen to be in town for one of its many award weekends

resolve to eat better – deliciously!

body well 2009 offers a wonderful opportunity for a fresh start on personal and professional goals. Here’s how to eat better without giving up taste.

I Love You Beth Cooper

Starring:Hayden Panettiere, Paul Rust, Jack T. Carpenter Studio: Fox   Runtime:102 minutes Rating:PG-13 “Heroes” star Hayden Panettiere takes her popularity to the big screen with