Rolling Out

Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

RRC Celebrates 20 Years of Neighborhood Development

The Resources for Residents and Communities (RRC) organization commenced the holiday season with its 20-year anniversary that celebrates its longstanding commitment to community strengthening, homebuyer

Coca-Cola MakesThings Go Better

Katelyn Jackson Coca-Cola Enterprises Public Affairs and Communications Representative Opening doors to new markets and continuing dialogues with existing ones is an art in and

The Top 25 Women of Houston

Rolling out is proud to announce its fourth annual Top 25 Women of Houston issue. The illustrious list of women you’ll hear from in the

25 Most Influential Women in Atlanta

Rolling out is proud to announce its fourthannual Top 25 Women of Atlanta issue. Theillustrious list of women you’ll hear from in thenext few pages

McDonald’s Divas Make Major Strides

No one is more resourceful than a black woman, and when a couple of determined sisters get together, all kinds of things become possible.  Two

Rolling Out