Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

Coca-Cola MakesThings Go Better

Katelyn Jackson Coca-Cola Enterprises Public Affairs and Communications Representative Opening doors to new markets and continuing dialogues with existing ones is an art in and

The Top 25 Women of Houston

Rolling out is proud to announce its fourth annual Top 25 Women of Houston issue. The illustrious list of women you’ll hear from in the

25 Most Influential Women in Atlanta

Rolling out is proud to announce its fourthannual Top 25 Women of Atlanta issue. Theillustrious list of women you’ll hear from in thenext few pages

McDonald’s Divas Make Major Strides

No one is more resourceful than a black woman, and when a couple of determined sisters get together, all kinds of things become possible.  Two

Buying Black Should Still Be Our Priority

The Empowerment Experiment (EE) is proving Black products, services and talent is just as valuable as its general market counterpart. The movement, initiated by African

Juliette Okotie-Eboh – Service With a Smile

The MGM Grand Detroit is one of the city’s most luxurious attractions. Juliette Okotie-Eboh, senior vice president of community affairs for the beautiful hotel and

tihesha phipps – getting it done

Project Manager, Rush World Synergies Working to help synergize one of the most diversified brands in all of urban culture is no easy task, but as

mike thompson – rising above it all

President and CEO, Fair Oaks Farms Mike Thompson looms large in the boardroom . both figuratively and literally. As the president and CEO of Fair Oaks

esther martinez – driven to succeed

Studio Design Engineer, General Motors Oftentimes, life doesn’t go as planned. But the unexpected hurdles that we’re forced to jump can lead us to unforeseen good