Entrepreneurs and Business Leaders

Changing His View of the World

BUSINESS Changing His View of the World There’s an old Morehouse College adage that says, “You can tell a Morehouse man, but you can’t tell

Ramona Prater- Talking the Talk

mic check photo by steed media service News Director and Online Personality, 92.3 Mix Since 2005, 92.3 Mix radio personality Ramona Prater has taken her

Kathie Stonehouse- Radio Done Right

market leader photo by steed media service Marketing Director, Radio One Detroit Kathie Stonehouse is one happy woman. The marketing director for Radio One Detroit

Christianne Sims- Strength in Numbers

 business landscape Director, Fusion photo by steed media service Generations X, Y, and the Millennials are forging ahead seemingly undeterred, as those embarking on their

What’s in a Name

photo by steed media service M3G’s slogan alone ‘We put your business in the streets,’ is enough to pique your interest and whet your appetite

Vic Lloyd- Leader of the New Cool

marketing mastermind photo by steed media service Creative Director and Brand Strategist, Leaders 1354 Behind every good business plan is a good businessman. Since its

Lisa George- The Community’s Go-To Girl

community minded photo by steed media service Founder and President, L.F.C. & Associates Lisa George understands the importance of creating awareness for groups that lack

Renee Rhoden- A Stylist For Any Occasion

beauty expert photo by steed media service Founder, GlamourSpa When Renee Rhoden started her beauty business, she had the individual needs of women in mind.

Tony Saunders- The Artful Marketeer

market leader photo by steed media service Freedom Fighter, Wyld Marketing  At first blush, WYLD Marketing’s name might appear to be clever wordplay on ‘wild,’