Finance and Wealth

Women in Film Change the Standard

Women in Film Change the Standard If there were one significant struggle that many women in film and television share, it is constantly proving their

10 deadly sins of financial meltdown

finance photo by steed media service Knowing your weaknesses can prevent your credit from snowballing into a problematic situation or financial meltdown. Understanding what those

work in progress

become a photographer Gordon Parks. Moneta Sleet, Jr., James Van Der Zee, Carl Van Vechten. The names of these African American trailblazers in the field


why internships work … for youPost-College Internships and temporary jobs can be an efficient way to test your prospective careers after you’ve left college behind. Also,

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The excesses professional athletes indulge in are well documented. With NBA salaries averaging $5.36 million, it’s easy to see how many young players get sucked

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The impact that CompuCredit Corporation has had on the lives of many Americans with less than stellar credit is quite impressive. As vice president of