
Lauryn Hill Bombs Onstage, Again

Lauryn Hill disappointed fans once again, this time at a Capetown, South Africa, concert. The singer, who’s been criticized recently for a series of less

Rihanna’s 15 Sexiest Instagram Photos

Android users will finally have a chance to get in on the Instagram fun. But just like any other social network, Instagram users gain followers

Kanye West Sued, Again

Kanye West just settled a lawsuit last month over unathorized samples, and now according to AllHipHop, he is being sued yet again. The “Heartless” singer is

Jay-Z Stars in First Ever Rocawear Commercial

Jay-Z has revealed the first ever television commercial for his Rocawear clothing line. The commercia,l titled “Marcy to Barclays,” tells the story of Jay-Z’s ascent