
am i missing something?

Barack Obama. The name alone conjures up many emotions, both good and bad. Depending on whom you talk to, people either love the man; or

never quit

I attended my first baby shower last weekend, and I have to say it was the most unconventional event I’ve ever attended. There were more

Who is Going to Know You?

It’s so important to be able to read. Traveling throughout the world — sans an airline ticket — and being able to see through the

phillip jackson – right man, right plan

Democratic Candidate, State Representative of the 26th District of Illinois Moving his Chicago community to reach new heights in 2008 is an issue that Phillip Jackson

Social Media and Kennedy

[[noscript]]Embedded video from [[a href=”https://www.cnn.com/video”>CNN Video[[/a]][[/noscript]]

Kennedy and Civil Rights

[[noscript]]Embedded video from [[a href=”https://www.cnn.com/video”>CNN Video[[/a]][[/noscript]]