Dr. Ben Carson says gay people shouldn’t get extra rights
In recent years, Dr. Ben Carson has, sadly, become more so known for his highly conservative beliefs, critiques of President Obama, and homophobic viewpoints rather
In recent years, Dr. Ben Carson has, sadly, become more so known for his highly conservative beliefs, critiques of President Obama, and homophobic viewpoints rather
Left-wing loony Kesha Rogers has been making headlines for a few years now with her anti-Obama diatribe. But it’s no longer a laughing matter because
Alabama state Rep. Alvin Holmes is making noise again, accusing Republicans who are pushing to ban abortions of choosing abortion for their own children, rather
Jefferson, North Colorado, Western Maryland, if these names don’t sound familiar now, they soon maybe if the secessionist movement picks up more steam. Those three
Many public figures have been speaking out loudly against Uganda and Nigeria’s new extreme anti-gay laws, which will put several of their LGBT citizens in
The state of Georgia has hopped on a conservative agenda that is sweeping the nation. If you are on food stamps or receiving welfare, you
Georgia House lawmakers have passed of a limited medical marijuana bill. House Bill 885 allows the usage and production of a special strain of marijuana called “Charlotte’s
President Obama is taking a lot of incoming fire from conservatives for his new initiative called “My Brother’s Keeper” to help black and Hispanic young men succeed
Most people are well aware that the Kennedy brothers were all-time freaks. But this takes the cake. An oval office orgy featuring former President John F.
Ukraine conflict reignites Soviet threat Although the Ukraine is far away from the United States it plays a pivotal role in today’s world politics. After
On Sunday, Feb. 22, 2014, at St. Luke Community U.M.C., the congregation witnessed living history. We were blessed with profound words from Congressman John Lewis,
Rafael Peralta was a hero, the citation on his Navy Cross confirmed this and so did his squad mates. He was a served in Fallujah
There appears to be a war on young black males. High school graduations rates are low while prison rates among young black males remain high.
After years of futile denials, the Israeli government has finally admitted what many already knew and others had long suspected: Israel injected Ethiopian Jews with
The Georgia Medical Marijuana Bill that was announced earlier this year is now out of committee and could be voted on this year. House Bill
Arizona Gov. Jan Brewer took a big risk and vetoed a bill strongly favored by right-wing fanatics. The bill would have allowed a business to
In the state of Georgia juveniles who are in the system are at a distinct disadvantage. The disadvantage stems from their incarceration and their residency
Earlier this week, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni drew major criticism when he signed an anti-gay bill that punishes “aggravated homosexuality” with anywhere from 14 years
Dr. Milton Wolf, the white radiologist and distant cousin of President Obama, is running against incumbent U.S. Sen. Pat Roberts, R-Kan., as a tea party
On the House floor earlier this month, State Rep. Alvin Holmes, a Democrat from Montgomery, Ala., called Justice Clarence Thomas a ”prolific Uncle Tom.” Holmes