‘Game of Thrones’ delivers big as season finale draws near

This year season 5 of the HBO hit drama ‘Game of Thrones’ has not disappointed fans with action and intrigue. As the season draws to an exciting close, massive battles between the living and the dead has everyone realizing that “Winter is Coming” should now be changed to “Winter is Here.”

Bessie’s 81 Theatre Tour winds down in Los Angeles

The spirit of Bessie Smith is alive and well. In celebration of HBO’s “Bessie” debuting this weekend, the West Coast leg of Bessie’s 81 Theatre Tour commenced this week, honoring the legacy of the legendary blues singer.

With ‘Southern Rites,’ HBO examines a small town’s racism

In small-town southeast Georgia, long-simmering racial tensions between two neighboring communities has created a rift that has come to define the culture. Executive produced by Grammy winner John Legend, HBO’s “Southern Rites” is a gripping documentary that examines race relations between Montgomery County and neighboring Toombs County.

Idris Elba, aka the speed demon?

Perhaps taking the title of “Renaissance man” to an entirely different level, actor/musician/celebrity DJ Idris Elba can now add British land speed record holder to his list