With the news of Bill Cosby’s admission via deposition that he purposely used Quaaludes to have sex with women, it’s become increasingly difficult for those that know and have worked with him to defend and stand by him.
Actor Joseph C. Phillips, who played son-in-law Lt. Martin Kendall on “The Cosby Show,” has weighed in on the matter via his personal blog. The 53-year-old actor wrote a heartfelt and emotional post entitled “Of Course Bill Cosby Is Guilty,” in which he recalls “parades” of models and attractive women at the NBC Studios to see Cosby. Though he says it was essentially common knowledge that Cosby cheated on his long time wife Camille, he also added, “I never saw Bill engage in any inappropriate behavior. I certainly never saw him drug anyone. So, all I have is the same gossip as everyone else.”
Phillips also spoke of an encounter he had with a female friend he knew from the business that he happened to run into at the height of the mounting allegations against Cosby. He remembered that Cosby was once a mentor to her and he felt compelled to ask her if anything of the sort happened to her:
The question popped into my head.
“Hey, do you mind if I ask you something?”
She looked at me and then asked, “Is it going to make me cry?”
I was a bit taken aback. “Well,” I stammered. “I hope it doesn’t make you cry.”
She smiled. “Go ahead and ask your question.”
“Back in the day,” I started. “I remember that you knew Bill – that he was like your mentor or something. Did he ever…”
Before I finished the sentence, she began to cry.
We spent the next two hours sitting on a bench talking. Through tears, she told me her story. She cursed him for violating both her trust and her body. She cursed herself for not being smarter, and for degrading herself in pursuit of success. I listened patiently. As she began to run out of steam, she turned to me. “Do you believe me?”
“Yes.” I said. “I believe you.”
“Why?” she asked.
“Because I don’t believe that you are crazy and only a crazy person would sit with me all this time and share a fantasy.”
I am not sure if our conversation was cathartic for her. I know it was heart-breaking for me.
Read the full blog at www.josephcphillips.com