R. Kelly writes in his new memoir Soulacoaster: The Diary of Me that Ryan Gosling’s super romantic movie The Notebook ruined his 12-year marriage.
“As the film credits started to roll, I couldn’t move,” Kelly writes. “I burst into tears. People walking past me patted me on the back, trying to console me. The Notebook was beautiful, and I was crying because its hero and heroine had died together. But I was also crying because I remembered a Valentine’s Day — when a helicopter dropped a rainfall of roses — that had come and gone … My marriage had died. And there was nothing I could do to bring it back.”
Kelly divorced his wife Andrea Kelly in 2009. Now, Andrea Kelly now has a voice and a platform to spill the beans as part of the cast of VH1’s “Hollywood Exes,” and she says not so fast Mr. Romance. Andrea says that she was sitting right next to R. Kelly when they saw The Notebook together, and she doesn’t recall things going down quite like that.
“Our divorce wasn’t finalized until 2009, so it’s impossible that the movie could have been the reason for our relationship ending,” she said.
Gosling hasn’t said a word about the movie ruining R. Kelly’s marriage (as of yet), but this wouldn’t be the first time the Canadian actor with the muscular frame had wrecked a relationship. Gosling said as much in an interview published on New York Magazine’s Vulture pages:
People would come up to me and tell me that they thought [The Notebook] was romantic, but one guy told me that he was engaged and [his fiancée] broke up with him after that movie because she said to him, “You wouldn’t build a house for me [like the lead character does], would you?” He was like, “Well, no, but I don’t know how.” She said, “But if you knew how?” He said, “No, I wouldn’t. But it doesn’t mean I don’t love you.” She said, “Yeah, it does.” And she called it off.
Gosling could also be called a homewrecker because he has raised the bar for men everywhere by stopping a New York street fight, saving a reporter from getting crushed by a speeding vehicle, supporting human rights in the Congo, starring in the best films on the planet and just being an all-around shirtless sexpot.