Keri Hilson talks ‘Almost Christmas,’ her hiatus, and relationship rules
Keri Hilson talks Almost Christmas, her hiatus, and relationship rules. [jwplatform 7mthN2zd]
Keri Hilson talks Almost Christmas, her hiatus, and relationship rules. [jwplatform 7mthN2zd]
Keri Hilson blasted by Beyoncé fans, again Keri Hilson is once again being blasted by Beyoncé fans; this time over a fake tweet. Hilton, who dissed
Beyoncé fans continue to tease Keri Hilson.
Keri Hilson asks Beyoncé fans to relent After committing the “unforgivable sin” of dissing Beyoncé, Keri Hilson, 30, went on a brief rant today about the nonstop