Britney Spears

Shortest celebrity marriages

For some celebrities, getting married is easy, but staying married is a challenge. Check out these celeb couples who put the “q” in quickie divorce.

Thin celebrities who got fat

We’ve done several features in the last year discussing women we believe look better bigger instead of the extreme lithe frames they sport today. But

Celebrity plastic surgery: Tummy tucks

Many of us are conscious of our appearance. Celebrities are more concerned because how they look is crucial to their careers. Hollywood celebrities are always trying

Drunken celebrities caught on camera

We’ve all been there at least once in our life — drunk with a camera around. Obviously, celebrities are no different. They like to party

The most airbrushed celebrities

Many celebrities appear in magazines and periodicals looking flawless, however, not all of those perfect curves and faces are natural. The art of airbrush does wonders

Celebrity plastic surgery: Breast augmentations

  Celebrities are always trying to improve their appearance.  Breasts implants and augmentations are very common for celebrity women who have always wanted a little

Which celebrity leads Social 50 Chart?

How do you determine just who is the most sought after star in entertainment today? Thanks to a tool called Social 50 Chart, we are