diabetes prevention

perimenopause obesity /weight gain

4 major health threats triggered by weight gain after 45

Women approaching their mid-40s often notice subtle changes in their bodies—clothes fitting differently, increased difficulty maintaining previous weight, and stubborn fat accumulation around the midsection.

coffee vs tea for health

Coffee and tea slash cardiometabolic disease risk

Coffee and tea enthusiasts can celebrate a significant scientific validation of their daily ritual. Groundbreaking research published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism

broccoli breakthrough for diabetes

The broccoli breakthrough that fights diabetes

In a groundbreaking development for diabetes prevention, researchers at Sweden’s University of Gothenburg have identified a natural compound that may significantly reduce blood sugar levels

dried fruits

How dried fruits can reduce your diabetes risk

A groundbreaking research study has upended conventional wisdom about dried fruit consumption and its relationship to diabetes risk. The extensive investigation, involving half a million

diabetes prevention

How testosterone could reshape diabetes prevention

Recent studies have spotlighted the role of testosterone in preventing type 2 diabetes, highlighting its age-specific protective effects that could shift current approaches to metabolic