emotional abuse

Narcissist partner

Red flags that reveal your partner might be a narcissist

When someone constantly posts selfies or dominates first-date conversations talking about themselves, it might seem like simple self-absorption. However, these behaviors could potentially signal something

bullying in adulthood

The impact and patterns of bullying in adulthood

Recent psychological studies have shed light on the persistence of bullying behavior beyond childhood, revealing complex patterns of intimidation that continue to affect adult interactions.

partner boundaries

Is your partner controlling? 3 easy ways to know

Recognizing controlling behavior in relationships can be challenging, especially when it develops gradually over time. Many controlling behaviors might initially appear as expressions of love


How to tell if you’re in a bad relationship

Relationships are meant to bring joy, support, and companionship. However, not all relationships serve this purpose. Some relationships can be harmful, leaving emotional scars that


5 reasons women get depressed

Depression is a heavy burden that affects millions of women around the world, touching lives in deeply personal and often misunderstood ways. Despite being a


What it means if a someone mistreats their ex

There’s no justification for mistreating someone, especially a former partner. However, understanding the motivations behind a person’s behavior towards their ex can sometimes provide context.


Why screaming and yelling is unignorable abuse

In the intricate tapestry of human connections, the impact of abuse is not always immediately discernible. Unlike the stark evidence left by physical abuse, emotional