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Shaniece Hairston’s hottest photos.

Shaniece Hairston’s best photos Shaniece Hairston is well on her way to making a name for herself in Hollywood. The Miami-bred beauty was first brought

Kim Kardashian covers ‘Factice’ magazine

Kim Kardashian covers ‘Factice’  In addition to being spotted around Miami with her Throne beau, Kanye West, Kim Kardashian has landed yet another magazine cover.

The 10 best TV shows of 2012

When it comes to ranking television’s top programs from the last year, there has to be some distinction between quality and ridiculous reality TV. That’s

The 10 sexiest celebrity pics of the week

Hollywood’s hottest celebrities sure know how to close out a year. It seems that each week, they continue to get hotter and hotter. From Eva

The sexiest plus size models of 2012

Sexiest plus size models of the year In 2012 a number of plus sized models emerged on the scene with beautiful faces and womanly curves

The best dressed celebrities of 2012

As 2012 comes to an end, we can’t help but to think back to all the red carpet stunners we watched make fashion history. From

Dawn Richard’s hair time line

Dawn Richard is the type of girl that the girl next door can relate to.  As Richard has experimented with long soft looks, and short