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Amber Rose’s best fashions on Instagram

Amber Rose stepped onto the entertainment scene on Kanye West’s arm years ago, after he met her in a strip club in Philadelphia. After the two parted

Wolf Creek concert series with Lyfe Jennings

Wolf Creek continues to bring affordable concerts to the community. Siman “Baby” opened the show up. Saturday artists included Lyfe Jennings, Carl Thomas, Juvenile, Digital

Idris Elba’s sexiest photos on Instagram

Idris Elba, just celebrated his 42nd birthday this past Saturday and many fans posted personal messages to him on Instagram. The actor best known for

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union family photos

Dwyane Wade and Gabrielle Union have finally tied the knot and made the Wade-Union family name official! We have watched one of our favorite Hollywood/NBA couples

Simone Battle’s photos on Instagram

Simone Battle, 25, was living the life that most young girls could only dream about, but that all came to an abrupt ending with the

Beyoncé: Funniest memes on Instagram

Beyoncé celebrated her birthday; click here if you missed it. As we pay homage to her, we decided to shout out her fans, too. Beyoncé’s fans

More Beyoncé sexy Instagram photos!

Happy birthday Beyoncé! Today the queen bee celebrates her 33rd birthday and almost two decades of success, since she first took the pop music world

Celebrity couples on Instagram this week

There were tons of celebrity couples sharing photos on Instagram this week. Between Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade’s wedding and the regular Labor Day weekend