

How headphones help manage ADHD and improve focus

Managing ADHD is a constant challenge, but an unexpectedly simple tool has shown promise: headphones. For individuals struggling with focus and concentration, headphones—especially noise-canceling ones—offer

Vision of success meditation

Come join us at “Vision of Success,” a guided meditation provided by Peace and Purpose, designed to help you visualize and manifest your future goals.


Dreams of determination meditation

Come join us at “Dreams of Determination,” a powerful meditation session designed to fortify your resolve and inspire a steadfast spirit within you. Presented by

5 reasons not to ignore going to the bathroom

In the fast-paced rhythm of our daily lives, it’s all too common to disregard fundamental self-care rituals. Amidst the numerous demands vying for our attention,

‘Chappie’ wins a lackluster weekend box office

(Photo courtesy of IMDB) Despite a relatively disappointing movie-going weekend overall, Neill Blomkamp’s latest sci-fi/action movie, Chappie, was able to deny Will Smith’s bid for