headache prevention

puffiness, headache

What your headache is really telling you

We’ve all been there—trying to power through the day while an unwelcome drummer performs a solo inside our skull. You reach for the pain relievers

racial bias

Why your headache means you need a checkup now

Living with high blood pressure affects millions of Americans, but many don’t realize this silent condition might be the culprit behind their persistent headaches. Recent

migraines, preserve, your brain as you age, lung

7 things to know living with migraines

Migraines affect millions worldwide, yet remain widely misunderstood. This neurological condition extends far beyond typical headache symptoms, often disrupting daily life with debilitating effects. The

migraine meds sign

New migraine drug cuts rebound headache risk

Recent clinical research has unveiled groundbreaking results for Atogepant, a preventive medication offering new hope for chronic migraine sufferers. The comprehensive study published in Neurology