health disparities

AFib heart disease, african americans, health crisis, social factors

Black Americans face alarming heart disease risk

African Americans continue to bear a disproportionate burden of cardiovascular disease in the United States, according to recent findings that reveal troubling patterns across demographic

Oprah Winfrey OWN

OWN joins ACS to tackle Black women health risks

The Oprah Winfrey Network has launched a comprehensive initiative aimed at addressing persistent health disparities affecting Black women in America. Through a strategic partnership with

dementia and cognitive health

Understanding dementia and its impact on cognitive health

Dementia represents far more than occasional forgetfulness or confusion. This collection of cognitive conditions affects millions worldwide, fundamentally altering lives and challenging our understanding of

IUD stomach pain and fibroids

Why fibroids target Black women more

Uterine fibroids represent one of the most prevalent reproductive health concerns affecting women today, with the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services estimating that

heart disease, illness

Why heart disease is silently targeting Black women

A decade-long journey through America’s healthcare system reveals troubling patterns in recognizing and treating heart disease in Black women. Despite cardiovascular disease being the leading

The deadly truth about metals near your heart

The relationship between environmental metal exposure and heart and cardiovascular disease has emerged as a critical public health concern, with recent findings from Columbia University’s