healthy aging

obesity,15 pound

Why gaining 15 pounds after 40 can harm your health

The human body undergoes significant changes with age, particularly after reaching 40. Research shows that metabolism naturally slows during this period, making weight management increasingly

diet, aging, longevity

How diet choices influence aging and health unexpectedly

In today’s information-rich environment, understanding the complex relationship between diet, aging, and overall health has become increasingly challenging yet crucial. Recent scientific studies have unveiled

perimenopause obesity /weight gain

8 proven ways to prevent perimenopause weight gain

The narrative surrounding perimenopause has often centered on inevitable weight gain and health deterioration, particularly across social media platforms where misleading information spreads rapidly. This

physical activity and exercise for health

How physical activity strengthens memory

New research reveals a compelling link between physical activity and improved memory function. Findings published in the International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity

beetroot juice

Beetroot juice could transform your heart health

Recent research conducted by Pennsylvania State University has shed light on the potential cardiovascular benefits of daily beetroot juice consumption in postmenopausal women. Published in