healthy relationships

Abuse warning signs

Critical abuse warning signs to discuss with your child

Domestic violence remains one of America’s most pervasive yet under-discussed public health crises, affecting millions of individuals across all demographic categories. The psychological and physical

relationships, fail

How to spot when relationships drain your energy

In today’s hyperconnected world, the distinction between healthy relationships and emotional exploitation has become increasingly challenging to navigate. While genuine connections are essential for our


5 types of people not to date after divorce

The journey back into dating after divorce requires careful navigation and awareness. While the prospect of finding new love holds appeal, choosing the wrong partner


Why your partner’s silence is a bad sign

When communication breaks down in a relationship, silence often fills the void. While moments of quiet reflection are natural, persistent silence can signal deeper issues

female friendships

Unmasking the hidden truth behind female friendships

The complexity of female friendships can sometimes mask subtle psychological dynamics that impact relationship health. These dynamics often revolve around vulnerable narcissism, a form of


7 ways to maintain healthy boundaries with an ex-wife

Establishing boundaries with an ex-wife requires careful consideration, particularly when children or shared responsibilities remain part of the equation. Creating clear guidelines helps maintain peace


How to create boundaries for friends and coworkers

Setting and maintaining boundaries forms the foundation of healthy relationships, both personal and professional. While establishing these invisible lines may feel uncomfortable at first, they’re


Avoid people who pressure you to loan them money

Money often reveals true character, and when it comes to personal relationships, financial boundaries can make or break connections. While generosity and support are hallmarks