heart health

weight loss, health

Belly fat and your health: Why it matters

In our modern, fast-paced era, the adage “health is wealth” holds truer than ever, with the amount of belly fat serving as a pivotal gauge

Do vegans actually have better heart health?

Plenty of narratives have floated around the internet about which diets are generally associated with better health, but a recent study put any doubt about

The health benefits of a meat-free diet

Meat has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. However, in recent decades, a growing body of evidence suggests that eating

Skinny people should work out too

Ever walked in the gym and try to figure out why the skinny people are working out? Although exercising is generally linked to people trying

5 Reasons Laughter Is the Best Medicine

If you could laugh yourself to good health, would you? Research suggests that this just might be possible. Think about how good you feel after