heart health

intermittent fasting

Why your fasting routine might hurt your heart

Intermittent fasting continues to dominate wellness conversations as enthusiasts praise its weight management benefits, but emerging research suggests this eating pattern may present a more

Black woman, skin, health

9 Health warnings your skin is trying to tell you

Your skin does more than just hold everything together—it’s constantly communicating messages about what’s happening inside your body. As your largest organ, it often serves

Heart disease

Not all sugar harms your heart

The sweet stuff we add to our daily diet has long been villainized in the health world, but fascinating new research suggests the relationship between

heart benefit of raw nut

The amazing heart benefits hiding in raw nuts

Raw nuts might be small in size, but they deliver immense benefits when it comes to improving your cardiovascular health. These compact nutritional powerhouses provide

stroke prevention

Stroke protection found in everyday habits

A major announcement from the American Stroke Association has unveiled new guidelines that could transform stroke prevention nationwide. With more than 795,000 Americans experiencing strokes


Heart failure meets its match

Living with a heart that struggles to pump effectively creates daily challenges for millions of Americans. Systolic heart failure fundamentally changes how patients experience everyday

Better natural sleep, cardiovascular health

How the way you sleep affects cardiovascular wellbeing

The position we adopt during sleep, often established through habit and comfort rather than conscious health consideration, may significantly influence cardiovascular function. Emerging research suggests

Pomegranate fruits is a superfood

Forgotten superfood outperforms popular health fruits

While blueberries and avocados often claim the spotlight in heart-healthy food discussions, one remarkable fruit with exceptional cardiovascular benefits remains largely overlooked in American diets.

kiss, hugs and sex

Ways sex boosts your health beyond the bedroom

Intimacy fulfills our fundamental human need for connection while simultaneously offering an impressive array of health benefits that extend far beyond the bedroom. While many

impact of snacking

The impact of snacking on your heart health

In today’s fast-paced world, grabbing a quick bite between meals has become second nature for most Americans. Research now reveals that your snacking habits—specifically what