heart health

raw food

7 health benefits of a raw food diet

A raw food diet — consisting largely of uncooked and unprocessed plant foods — has garnered attention for its potential health benefits. This diet primarily


Why meditation adds years to your life

In the hustle and bustle of modern life, where stress seems to be an unwelcome constant, people worldwide are turning to ancient practices to find

Unlocking the secrets to heart health and cholesterol awareness with Nihar Desai, MD, MPH and Latrice Baxter

Patient Health Advocate Latrice Baxter and Dr. Nihar Desai from Yale School of Medicine have candid discussions on heart health, family history, cholesterol awareness, and Proactive Health Strategies. They delve into insights surrounding recognizing urgency, bridging gaps in patient-provider communication, and initiating timely interventions for a heart-healthy lifestyle.


How bleeding gums affect the heart

Bleeding gums may often be brushed off as a minor nuisance, but their significance extends beyond mere inconvenience. Despite their common occurrence, these seemingly harmless

chronic Inflammation

Bleeding gums and heart health: Unveiling the causes

When contemplating our health, the intricate web of connections between seemingly unrelated aspects often unveils surprising correlations. A particularly intriguing relationship has surfaced in recent


Belly fat and your health: Why it matters

In our modern, fast-paced era, the adage “health is wealth” holds truer than ever, with the amount of belly fat serving as a pivotal gauge

Do vegans actually have better heart health?

Plenty of narratives have floated around the internet about which diets are generally associated with better health, but a recent study put any doubt about

The health benefits of a meat-free diet

Meat has been a staple of the human diet for thousands of years. However, in recent decades, a growing body of evidence suggests that eating