J Lo

Top 10 Celebrities With the Biggest Butts

It is obvious from the photo above that Jennifer Lopez read the recent scientific reports from Harvard Medical School that state that an extra-sized gluteus

5 Reasons Grooms Get Cold Feet

5 Reasons Why Grooms Get Cold Feet As you’re reading this, the rumor mill is spinning about celebrity chef Todd English and the wise decision

Back Up! Celebrities Who Are Not Nice in Person

Most of these celebrities are absolute masters of their artistic domains, but they don’t suffer fools and stupid questions lightly. Some cannot truly express themselves

Hottest Celebrity Moms in Bikinis

These entertainers are proof that the body doesn’t have to fall to pieces after having children. In fact, some women, like golden goddess Regina King,

Celebrity Women Who Dated Hip-Hop Stars

It is quite natural for famous females to be wrapped-up in the arms of hip-hop heavyweights. Make’s perfect sense to me: they run in the

Celebrities Who Rock Clip-In Hair Extensions

Clip-in hair extensions are cost- effective, easy to apply, and require low maintenance. No need to wonder why clip-in hair extensions are quickly becoming the

The 10 Best Cast Biopics Ever

There has been a lot of debate, controversy and even acrimony over who will and should portray the larger-than-life legends Whitney Houston, Elizabeth Taylor and