khloe kardashian

Celebrities who look like siblings

Whenever Tyrese Gibson is told he looks like former supermodel Tyson Beckford, his face folds up and he squints like the comment had a horrible

Most cheated on celebrity women of all time

Khloe Kardashian’s marriage to NBA baller Lamar Odom has reportedly plunged to the brink of divorce due to his serial philandering and his infamous drug

Lamar Odom looking like a crack addict

Fresh off a disturbing disappearance act that included alleged crack cocaine snorting, rampant cheating on Khloe Kardashian and a drunk driving episode, Lamar Odom has

Lamar Odom arrested for DUI

Lamar Odom continues his downward spiral. According to reports, Odom, who has been making headlines this week for a his crack cocaine addiction in addition to